Sunday, September 7, 2014

Yuru Yuri 2 Review


Yuru Yuri 2 is the sequel to last year’s hilarious Yuru Yuri. Based on the manga of the same name, the story follows the daily shenanigans of Akarin, Yui, Chiantsu, Kyko and their friends. Each character has their own unique personality, which keeps the show fresh and entertaining. The anime can be considered slice of life, but is main genre is definitely comedy. Compared to other comedic anime such as Azumanga daioh or Strawberry Marshmallow, it falls short, but delivers in the right spots. Perhaps its the Yuri aspect of the show that makes one wanna give in to a giggle or two. And yes, there is girl love, but not romantic girl love. Its mostly all just comically portrayed. 

I found little to no dissatisfaction with the first season, but found some of it with the second. Compared to the first season, the comedy level seems to have dropped a bit. I honestly feel like the staff didn’t know where to go with the anime, but pulled through good enough to deliver something enjoyable for the viewers who enjoyed the glorious first season. Scenes such as this…


 are funny for reasons viewers of thee first season would know about. I can’t help but lol everytime I see it XD

Overall it was an enjoyable watch, and recommend watching both seasons.

Score - 8/10

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