Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Jessica Leaving SNSD Scandal: My Thoughts.

2014 has clearly been the year of scandals for K-Pop. From various nugu groups disbanding to shocking sex scandals, and now to one of the most famous K-Pop celebrities of all time getting ousted by her own group by her agency. Yes, 2014 will go down in K-Pop history for many things...

But what is this scandal regarding Jessica and SNSD? How did it start? 

Jessica's post on her Weibo account stating the following triggered this scandal.

"I was excited about our upcoming fan events only to shockingly be informed by my company and 8 others that as of today, I'm no longer a member. I'm devastated - my priority and love is to serve as a member of GG, but for no justifiable reason, I am being forced out,"

For those that didn't know, rumors have been flying around for quite a few months regarding Jessica wanting to quit SNSD. Of course, most people dismissed it as simple rumors as rumor mills are the norm in the K-Pop world; but all rumors stem from sort of truth. In this case the truth came out, and indeed Jessica has left SNSD. However, she didn't leave voluntarily. SM and SNSD agreed that Jessica's business, BLANC, was too much of a priority for her. Despite talking about this with SM and SNSD before, and even getting their permission and blessings for it, she was ultimately kicked out of SNSD. There are also rumors she was planning on getting married next year; so far there is no real proof, but a lot of strong speculation. SM took a good day to make a statement regarding Jessica's departure with a really sketchy response.

"We cannot disclose what is going on yet, but we are reaching out to the proper people to find out the truth of the matter."

Their following statement really outlines the kind of people SM hires to handle these things...

"Hello. This is SM Entertainment.

We are offering our position on the words posted on Jessica's Weibo today.

This coming spring, due to her personal situation, she notified us she will halt her team promotions with the release of one [more] album.

Despite Jessica's sudden notice, the agency and the Girls' Generation members tried our best and tried to figure out a way that Girls' Generation's activities can continue in the best possible direction.

However, in the midst of insufficient negotiations regarding conflicts of differences in priorities and interest, Jessica started her fashion business. Due to this, despite ongoing talks, it has come to a point where the team could not be maintained.

Thus, the agency had no choice but to pull up Girls' Generation's activities as 8 members earlier than planned, and in the midst of while working out when to announce this, Jessica had posted her words early this morning.

From here on, our agency will continue to support and manage the 8-member Girls' Generation and Jessica's individual activities."

Really SM? Really? They knew all along but their previous statement made it seem like there was a hack or something going on. 

In any case, this whole thing is really messy. If all is as Jessica says, then SNSD and SM stabbed her in the back. Her friends of 15 kicked her out because they thought she wasn't fit to be in their group anymore. I mean for god's sake she hasn't missed any of her schedules, I don't see why she can't make money on the side, and you aren't an idol forever. Besides, SNSD only has one comeback a year now and don't promote very much. Jessica could handle being in SNSD for a while longer until BLANC really took off, which is why I think she wanted to quit in 2015. This would give her sufficient time to see if BLANC is worth it, and if not then just let someone else handle it. What we aren't considering here is that she wanted to stay in SNSD, at least for another year. Her recent statement clearly outlines this...

"Hello. This is Jessica.

I was given a notice of departure from Girls' Generation by the agency on September 29, and I cannot hide my shocked and upset heart about this, so I'm here to reveal my position.

I have always put Girls' Generation's activities before my business or personal life as a member of Girls' Generation. However, despite my efforts for the team, I have been asked to leave the team by the agency.

While I was planning my business that I've had a lot of interest in since before, I had sufficiently consulted SM as well as the members about my preparation many times and asked for their understanding.

Up until the beginning of August when I was launching 'BLANC', I had received agreement and permission from SM, and congratulations from the members as well.

However, in early September, after only a month since the launching, the members suddenly changed their position and held a meeting, and told me to either quit my business or leave Girls' Generation without any justifiable reason. 
I explained that I had already received permission from the agency, that I had never neglected Girls' Generation's activities, and that I could not suddenly halt my business due to my contract with my business partner after a month. 
Ultimately, I pleaded that it was unjust for me to have to make a choice. Becoming a Girls' Generation member was the best thing in my life, and I had never thought about quitting.

Shocked about this, I had met with the agency CEO on September 16 to convey my position, and once again confirmed their permission for carrying out my business.

However, on September 29, I was given a one-sided notice asking me to leave Girls' Generation. Due to this, I was also unable to attend the fan meeting in China on September 30, and I have also been excluded from following Girls' Generation activities.

I have received great pain and cannot hide my sadness that I was asked by the agency and fellow members, whom I've spent 15 years with putting in all my passion and effort, to leave Girls' Generation just because of the reason that I'm starting a business.

I also want to apologize for causing concern to all the fans. Please understand that this situation is not at all what I had wanted, and that I've always treasured Girls' Generation, and that I will continue to do so. Thank you for always supporting and loving me.

This clearly contradicts SM's statements, and also raises more questions. Who is right? Who do we blame? Will SNSD do well as an 8 member group with one of their main vocalists gone from the group? How will Korean's react to this? These are all to be determined. What is also to be determined is f(x)'s future. Sulli has been on hiatus for a while, most probably due to her boyfriend Choiza. Rumor is she wants to quit and marry Choiza. How much of that is true is up for debate, but she is clearly dating Choiza. Krystal and Jessica are inseparable. She will not stay in SM if her sister is not there. I don't think she care about being an idol that much honestly.

This is only day two of this scandal, much more news is coming. I look forward to hearing what the other members think about this whole thing.

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