Friday, October 3, 2014

Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown is basically about how screwed up Japan has become because of a virus outbreak that happened on Christmas. A multinational organization named GHQ controls Japan at this point. They have devised ways to lessen and even sometimes heal the virus, which at this point remains a problem in certain areas of Japan. Boy meets girl and all shit starts to go bonkers. Think of GC as a badly ripped off version of Code Geass, a godly anime that should never be compared to GC under normal circumstances. 

This series started out good, it had promise. Sadly, it all went downhill really quickly. There are many factors for this. But this isn’t a review, merely my short thoughts of what I just watched. So I won’t list everything wrong with this series. If you have a lot of time to kill, and just feel like watching anything just because, watch this. To its credit, the art was really good, and probably the main reason I kept watching.

Score - 5/10

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