Saturday, October 4, 2014


I’ve heard nothing but good things about this series, so I decided to finally get to watching it. Another centers around an old school curse that has the students of a certain classroom on the fence and wary of anyone new who enters their classroom. It starts out rather vague, which is typical of a mystery/horror series like this. The vagueness kept me watching. It was interesting, perhaps even intoxicating. But things got a little bit cliche around the final episodes of the series. Its not a bad thing, but if it had kept the vagueness from the the earlier episodes right till the end, it would have been a helluva lot better. Perhaps what I am asking for is impossible, but one can always find ways to make something better than it already is. 

I do highly recommend this series, but if you have watched any of the “Final Destination” movies, your gonna be making a lot of comparisons.

Score - 9/10

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