Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ano Natsu de Matteru

Ano Natsu de Matteru started out pretty good. The art was great, the character design was pretty solid, but in comes the cliches! Yes, how many times has the “alien gets stranded on earth” story been done? Throw in the typical teen love triangle, and you have Ano Natsu de Matteru. I had high hopes for this series, but I was sadly disappointed. Like video games, people these days tend to focus more on, and drool over, the pretty art they see displayed. Good visuals doesn’t always mean good story line. 
Having said all that, it was entertaining. It wasn’t as bad as “Guilty Crown” for example, and I was never really prompted to drop the series. I did find myself sticking out my middle finger out at my TV a couple times, and cursing out Kaito. Lemon was the shining star of the show. Without her, god knows if I would have kept watching. The last 2 episodes were actually pretty good, so I guess that’s something. Still, I most probably will never re-watch this show….ever.

Score - 7/10

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