Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Naysayers will naysay, but one cannot deny that along with Naruto, Bleach is the second most known anime out there. One Piece doesn’t count since its only really known in the Asian countries. Naruto may have rekindled my love for anime, but Bleach was the one that made me look for more. Sure, the fillers are pretty stupid, boring, pointless, shit, etc etc etc. But the story itself is pretty original and fun. There have been so many epic moments its hard to count. Granted, even in the manga, the story has gotten pretty stale. This shows in the anime as well. The last arc animated was pretty…lackluster. Still, thinking back on all the “OMFG” moments over the years, I can’t help but smile. 

Who knows when the last arc will be animated, but I hope they do a good job and stick to the script. The last episode proved how awesome Bleach is if they just do their job and don’t try any funny business.

Score - 9/10
Bankai, bitches.

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