Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tari Tari Review


Took me a long while to finish this one, and no, its not because I was busy…
Tari Tari begins as a very cliched but also very interesting anime "apparently" about music. Tari Tari follows 5 high school kids with some problems here and there, who form their own choir club due to the main character, Konatsu, being unable to “Shine” in the original music club. The main plot revolves around each of the main characters providing a look into each ones goals and life ambitions and the problems they face in achieving these goals. 

But what’s the problem? The lack of music. Each character practically gets their own arc detailing their “problems”. So what’s the problem with the problem? They get solved in like 2 episodes so that the next character gets their turn to show the viewers their “problems”. Most of these problems are so simplistic it makes my eyes roll, and wanna skip ahead. And that’s what I did most of the time, skip ahead. But again, wheres the music? Its basically all a giant copy & paste formula used a million times over. Difference is the production value on this one is much higher. The art is gorgeous, and you can tell they spent a lot of time on just that, the art and not the story. Its around the last 3 episodes that we go back to the topic at hand which is the music. Everyone comes together in the middle of a crisis to do what they like to do best, sing. If it wasn’t for those last 3 episodes I probably would have given this anime a much more negative review. I probably will never watch this one again…

Score - 6.5/10

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