Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rinne No Lagrange

This show was all about aliens (whom ancestors originate from earth) from other planets duking it out on earth for the sake of getting that green mecha you see above. There are 2 other ones but those are of lesser importance. Put together they have the ability to either destroy or create. I can’t really remember, but it was something along those lines. The aliens base their reasoning behind an ancient legend regarding these 3 mechas. This anime was way better than I thought it would be. It’s centered around Mecha’s, and I’m usually VERY picky when it comes to Mecha. Granted, there were things unanswered, but it seems like its getting a second season. It should have been a 20+ ep series from the start but w/e.

Aside from the amazing artwork, there really is nothing outstanding about this anime. It lays out what seems to be the beginning of an epic adventure, which would ultimately, take them into space. Or something along those lines. I mean you would just assume there would be battles in other planets or infiltration of some intergalactic spaceship. But no, you see none of that. All the fighting takes place in the small town near the beach our cast resides in. This show’s saving grace, aside from the art, and what really kept me watching, were those three girls up above. You just can’t help but like them.

Score - 8/10

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