Friday, September 5, 2014

Sankarea Review


Sankarea, like most of today’s anime, defies innovation by simply copying and pasting past ideas together. Did people really think the whole zombie thing was original? No. That’s wishful thinking. Is it something we see in anime often? No. You would think the latter would be an advantage, but it wasn’t, not at all. The first 4 episodes led me to believe this show could be a winner. The characters were entertaining, the art was amazing, the plot seemed interesting. Yet, they completely messed the entire up midway through the series. The cliche’s that plague current anime began running rampant. There were signs that the main characters were being properly developed, but that went nowhere really quick. 

The show is about a dude in his teens and his obsession with zombies. Piles upon piles of zombie movies, along with toys, and pretty much anything zombie related, litter his room and life. What’s funny is that his father is a priest, and they live right beside a temple. I suppose his father and his work had the opposite effect on his upbringing. His sister seems to have embraced the temple life though. Pretty much Wanko, the childhood friend, as well as the main character’s sister, were this show’s saving grace. Fanservice? There was plenty of that. No nudity however. The manga is a bit more risque, but kept the cliche’s at a low. Worst of all, the anime ended with a cliffhanger. This is understandable as the show caught up to the manga very quickly, but I personally think they should have ended the series instead of leaving the door open for a sequel. I really don’t think people like the show enough to want a second season. This is simply another case where the manga > anime adaptation.

Score - 6/10

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