Monday, September 8, 2014

Kokoro Connect Review


Kokoro Connect began as one the most interesting and unique anime to air from last season. We are introduced to the cast above, thrown into a crazy plot involving personality/soul switching, internal desire realization, and shifting between ages. If you haven’t watched the show the plot probably seems confusing but interesting. Hell, its why I watched it in the first place. The first arc involving “personality switching” sparked and maintained my interest. The human emotions and real life situations drew you closer and closer. The characters learned something, and so did the audience. Come the second arc involving “desire outbursts”, that’s when I realized the grave problem with this series, regurgitation. To be more specific, melodramatic regurgitation. You see, as I said before, the show portrays human emotions and situations to make a connection with the audience. If you, the viewer, feel like you can connect with the characters, then the job of the production team has been realized, as the entire point of the anime is just that, emotional connections. But what happens when you start repeating the same things over and over? Does that connection stay, or does it sway? You can only tolerate so much of the same thing before your eyes begin to roll, and that’s what happened to me. 

On one hand I love the series for what it is, on the other I am beyond annoyed for what it is. Its a love/hate thing, but the love portion slightly outshines the hate in this case. Despite its overuse of melodrama, it sparked enough interest in me to keep watching, and ask some questions. For example, who really is Goto? Who is #2? Will we find out when the rest of the episodes are released next year? Furthermore, will I even care when the time comes?

Who knows…

Score - 7.5/10

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