Monday, September 15, 2014

Natsuyuki Rendezvous Review

Death, we all think about it. So many questions, and no answers. The most commonly used theory is that there is indeed life after death. Be it energy, plasma, a soul, cultures from all around the world have tried explaining what lies beyond. Natsuyuki Rendezvous is about a love struck man named Hazuki determined to get the attention of his local flower shop owner Rokka. Somewhat of an anti-social character, Hazuki decides the best way to get closer to his crush is to become an employee at the flower shop. What Hazuki doesn’t know is that there is another man in Rokka’s life, a man no longer of this world…

Interesting plot no? And it is. For the first three episodes or so we are shown Hazuki’s slow and careful attempts at seducing Rokka. All seems to lead Rokka could finally pay some romantic attention to Hazuki, that is until Hazuki encounters Rokka’s husband, or should I say, deceased husband. You see, Shimao, husband of Rokka, is dead. He died three years ago due to a disease presumed to be cancer. Rokka has moved on but not as much as she would like others to think. Her love for her husband was so strong his soul became attached to the material world. She cannot see nor hear him, but Hazuki can. And here is where the real story begins, a love triangle between a living man who loves Rokka, and a dead man who loves Rokka. 

After the first three or so episodes, a certain event happens. This event should have lasted for about 2-3 episodes, but was instead dragged on beyond belief. I understand this was supposed to be a romance anime, but there really was no need to drag that certain event anymore. I supposed it served a purpose, but I felt there was just no point to making it so long, right till the very end. Overall it was a good anime, it had good romance, some nice character development, gorgeous art, but this event I keep speaking of just ruined my overall enjoyment to the point I can say I will never willingly watch this anime again.

Score - 7/10

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