Friday, September 5, 2014

Mysterious Girlfriend X Review

Another show that tries to do something new. Mysterious Girlfriend X slightly succeeds where other series from the past season *cough* Sankarea *cough* could not. The show revolves around saliva, and the the odd shenanigans between the two main characters. Urabe, the main love interest, is the new girl in school. Shy, awkward, and with a weird haircut, she quickly becomes the talk of the classroom. She sleeps during class, all the time. Tsubaki, the male lead, pays no real attention to Urabe until seeing her after school sleeping in the classroom. Tsubaki notices her drooling, and this becomes the catalyst for what happens shortly after. 

The art is a mix of old school anime and new. This makes people like me, who grew up with 80’s and 90’s anime, quite happy. Series like these aren’t for everyone as it has an unconventional story line. For me, this is what saved the show. The male lead is your typical spineless pervert. If Urabe had been the person the show focused on, I probably would have liked it more. As the show progressed, I noticed it was going nowhere. The relationship between Urabe and Tsubaki stayed the same, it didn’t develop at all. I mean sure, they upped the ante now and then with their daily saliva routine, but the whole show was basically about how awkward each person was with each other. The Japanese seem to have a problem creating realistic romantic situations. Instead, they continue to cling to the now typically awkward, childish, and unrealistic portrayal of a romantic relationship. I mean for gods sake, Tsubaki couldn’t even get a hug without Urabe taking out her panty scissors (yes, I said panty scissors) and cutting up something close to Tsubaki as a way to warn Tsubaki never to touch her without her permission. The show was all about saliva, and that’s what it stuck to. Was it a waste of my time? Hard to say really. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t watch it again. If it had fixed the problems I laid out, it would have been a show with great promise.

Score - 7/10

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