Monday, September 29, 2014

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!

Dear god, this was such a good show. The anime itself was a bit… disturbing for a couple of reasons. Everyone who watched this knows what I’m talking about. But its no big deal. 

In any case, this was a very original series. Due to something that happens in the second episode, the guy you see in the pic above ends up getting custody of the girls you see above. He is blood related only to the little girl holding the dog. The other 2 are family but not they are not blood related. For once we have a lead character show some balls, and not act like a worthless pile of trash. He was a fucking man, and he attends college. Why is the last bit good? Because dear god, I’m so tired of all these anime/manga series being in a high school setting. MC in college is a breathe of fresh air, and its something I could relate to. Unfortunately there wasn’t much exposure of his college life. I also wanted the other characters in his club to have some more development. Mainly Raika. She reminds me of someone…

Miu was a bit too mature for a ten year old but, eh. She brought some lulz, and that’s what counts. I enjoyed this show so much I’m willing to overlook the little things that bothered me. I highly recommend this series!

Score - 9/10

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