Friday, September 5, 2014

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia Review


Here we have an anime that dwells in the paranormal. Its your typical ghost story, with a slight twist. In normal ghost stories, the ghost is usually evil or something along those lines. In Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Yuuko, the ghost, isn’t evil. In fact, she’s the exact opposite. She behaves like a normal high school girl. The problem is she’s a ghost (no duh), and no one can see or hear her. That is, until a boy stumbles upon her presence, causing him to see her existence, and befriending her. This is where the story begins, and where it stays…

The series has everything it needed to be a considered a good paranormal story. Good background story for the ghost, the main guy and a secondary love interest who can see the ghost, the guys friends (they’re all part of a paranormal club that solves paranormal happenings in the school), and the person who tries to screw up everything. The pacing was well done and the characters were developed well for the majority of the series. There was a nice blend of comedy, drama, romance, ecchi, and mystery. However, as soon as episode 8 hit, it all went to hell. I assume the reason for this is because the manga is still on-going, and they needed to finish the anime in their own way. From episode 8-12 I felt I was being trolled. Too many inconsistencies and the story was going in circles. 

The ending was just beyond stupid. You feel like the series finally has closure, and then at the very end that closure is completely destroyed. It was entertaining, but I think I’ll go ahead and start the manga just because I hate half assed adaptations…

Score - 8/10

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