Friday, September 26, 2014

Inu x Boku SS

"What in the f’ing hell did I watch"? 

I'm sure others have thought the same when watching this series. I’m not really sure as to how I should describe the plot. There were just so many things wrong with this series. SO MANY. Its like they literally threw in every genre they could possibly think of just to appeal to as much people as possible. Basically, teenage girl leaves home to live by herself in order to find herself or something like that. Shes a Tsundere with horrid social skills, nuff said. Now, this apartment houses people just like her. What do I mean just like her? Well shes like part demonic…. or something along those lines. All the residents living in that apartment are part demonic and have to have a secret service agent follow them around in order to protect them from other demons that walk the night? That part really confused me to be honest. 

That’s the basic premise, but there’s so many things that continue to disturb me as well. I mean really, shes 7 yrs younger (main girl) and is a high-school freshmen. Damn it Miketsukami (her SS agent) you sick bastard stop trying to get in her pants…

It gets a 4 just because I liked the main girl and there were some lol moments. Aside from that I don’t recommend this…

Score - 4/10

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