Thursday, September 4, 2014

V/H/S Review


My god, I haven't been so creeped out from a movie in years. V/H/S is  not your typical "found footage" movie, no, it take things a step further. 

The entire movie is basically 5 mini movies withing the "actual movie". The mini movies share no real connection. They are standalone movies with their own characters, story, and location. The characters from the main movie are hooligans who make money through unconventional means. On an assignment, they are asked to retrieve a VHS tape from an old house supposedly inhabited by an old man. Upon searching for the tape they encounter the old man dead in front oh his TV and with piles of VHS tapes mounted on his desk. The team splits up to find the tape among the mountains of tapes around the house. The one guy that stays with the old man begins watching the tapes already there. Each tape watched in that room is each of the 5 mini movies. One by one each of the guys in the house watch a tape.

Like I said, the movies share no connection with each other. There is no real higher meaning about the meaning like one would expect. Its meant to be scary, and scary it was. My only complaint was the lack of a proper story but I guess the movie was built to be like that. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and will watch its sequel "S-V/H/S" when it comes out.

Score - 8/10

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