Thursday, September 4, 2014

Denpa teki na Kanojo Review


This 2 episode OVA series is about a girl (look at pic above) who thinks a certain guy is her master from a previous life. Yeah, I know…

For the first 20 mins of the first episode that’s all you see. After that it becomes somewhat of a detective type thriller. You have a bunch of murders and whatnot going on, and its up to our two main characters to find the culprits. The second episode sets the same pace as the first, but this time around you don’t have a serial killer. Rather, you have a group of people pulling pranks here and there that eventually escalate to something more serious, and once again its up to our main characters to find the ring leader and put a stop to it all. The whole thing started out really vague but the whole point of this 2 episode OVA series started to slowly reveal itself. Twas good, though it was never explained if the main girl was actually insane of if there was truth to what she was saying. It was too short and I wasn’t very fond of the character designs.

Score - 7/10

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