Thursday, September 4, 2014

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next Review


Well, a second season was inevitable. The gang is back and with more shenanigans than ever. But was this second season any better than the first? Let's find out...

Once again The Neighbor's Club is back and trying to fit with society. The first season focused more on the aspect of inclusion and exclusion. This time around the focus is on the characters themselves. The problem is that the show is bombarded with more perverted stuff than the previous season. This hinders the show's underlying plot. The problem with today's anime viewers is that they put the story as a second priority and focus on the panty shots and everything that is killing anime today. I don't mind ecchi. I'm a straight man and I enjoy seeing bouncing boobs and ass shots, but I'm not 13 yrs old. Seeing that in every episode gets tiring and at some point you just find yourself yelling at the screen to please continue with the story. 

In my view: Story > Fanservice.

The other problem I had was with Kodaka. Somehow he managed to become a rather pathetic character. I understand trying to focus on his issues with people but because the focus this season was heavily oriented towards the panty shots it skewered any attempt at properly developing Kodaka's character. Everyone else was alright. Nothing to complain, my gripe was with Kodaka. Animation and soundtrack was decent, same as previous season. Plot was slightly pushed aside for the sake of fanservice but it wasn't bad enough to stop watching. It was entertaining but the first season was slightly better.

Score - 7/10

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