Monday, December 1, 2014

Shinsengumi Imon Peace Maker Review

The path to revenge starts here.

Genre - Action, Drama, Historical, Samurai, Shounen

Length – 5 Volumes: 29 Chapters

Author - Nanae Chrono

Run - May 1999 to Sep 2001

Serialization - Shounen Gangan

I'm very hesitant to read/watch anything samurai related. It ends up as a bore fest for me. But Peacemaker however, was an awesome exception. For those wondering about "Peacemaker Kurogane", it's the name for the anime adaptation (awful) and the direct sequel to this series set some months later.

Like your typical samurai series, this series deals with revenge. Our main character Tetsunosuke Ichimura seeks revenge for the death of his parents. He has not forgotten the face of the man who killed them and wishes to acquire the strength to defeat him. Like everyone in their teens, he is rebellious and outgoing, though somewhat of a numbskull. From here on out he and his brother seek to join the Shinsengumi, they are like the unofficial police in the area. The Shinsengumi hold strong warriors, and their leader Toshizo Hijikata is known as the Shinsengumi's Demon and is revered. Let me just say that this guy has to be one of the most bad ass characters I've seen in a manga and to top it all off, he's got a sense of humor that will produce laughs.

The demon of the Shinsengumi

Upon making his "entrance" into the Shinsengumi, Tetsunosuke fights Souji Okita, a captain. Souji is fabulous. He's a rather feminine looking guy who sometimes acts like a girl. Unlike Hijikata, he's always in a cheerful mood and makes jokes. Some of these jokes however, do make you question his sexuality. Do not be fooled by his behavior though, along with Hijikata, Souji is also knows as a demon, and his fighting skills are not to be reckoned with. Tetsu loses his first fight with Souji but he manages to impress everyone with his tenacity. Afterwards he becomes Hijikata's page. It is here where the events that lead to Tetsu's growth as a samurai start. Tetsu's brother Tatsunosuke, disagrees with his brother's need for revenge. Tatsu is the older brother and hence feels responsible for Tetsu's well being. Thought at first he is very overprotecting of Tetsu, he begins to waver and allows Tetsu to do as he wishes.

The one thing that stood out for me while reading this series was that it was historically accurate. The story is set in the Edo era and the beginning of the Meiji restoration. The events that happen in the manga actually happened in Japans past. Most of the characters in the story are based on real characters in that era. It goes without saying Nanae Chrono did his homework. Also, you're technically getting free lessons on Japan's historical past. Now then, who says reading manga is a waste of time?

Like "Bleach" there's not much attention to background detail, more focus is put on characters, buildings, etc. Your going to see some gray/blank patches of sky and such. It's not a bad thing, it works well for this manga as it makes up for it in the action scenes. The action scenes are very detailed, and very bloody. It would make it harder for the mangaka and harder to follow what's going if EVERYTHING was detailed. Let's be honest too much detail can confuse people. Character development is excellent. The characters thoughts are always present; you start to feel a connection to them and their personalities. For example, the transition Tetsu makes as a rebellious outgoing whiny little punk into a more mature character was portrayed with great care and detail by the mangaka.

Tetus pain begins to calm near the end.

I enjoyed this series. It was funny, bloody, action packed, filled with historical facts and goodies, what more can you ask for?

Art - (8/10) Plot - (8/10) Enjoyment - (8/10)


Note: Souji <3

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