Sunday, December 7, 2014

Bloody Kiss Review

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Too short for its own good.
Genre - Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo, Vampire, Supernatural

Length – 2 Volumes: 8 Chapters

Authors - Furumiya Kazuko

Run - 2005 - 2007

Serialization - Hana to Yume

Now then, how many vampire love stories has Japan produced? I'll give you a second there....

Ok good, I'm sure you needed more then your fingers and toes. Yes, this is another love story involving a young girl who meets vampires, and just so happens to fall for one of them. Though predictable, it wasn't a terrible read. As a matter of fact, it provided some good laugh out loud and endearing moments. Sadly, what plagues this manga is not its clichéd story, but its length...

Let's begin with our three main characters. Katsuragi Kiyo is a strong willed girl with looks to boot. The manga begins with her receiving news she just inherited a mansion from her now deceased grandmother. She goes to explore the now decrepit mansion with the intention of selling it to pay for her studies. Upon arrival, Kiyo and her legal companions are attacked by an unseen force. After a short while they discover they were attacked by Kuroboshi, a teen living in the mansion. Right behind him, his caretaker Alsh, steps out and apologizes. Kiyo not only discovers they are actually vampires, but her grandmother was taking care of them. After telling Kiyo they have no intention of leaving, the real story begins...

Now, my last sentence there would indicate that there is a lot to look forward to, but there really isn't. With only 8 chapters, there really isn't much story progression. We are shown Kiyo's daily life with the vampires and the vampires attempt at making Kiyo their "bride".

That's it, all you really see is the daily shenanigans between the three main characters. Near the end, a new character is introduced. It turns out hes an old friend of Kiyo's and is able to fight off monsters. Sadly, because of the length of the series his introduction and participation in the last few chapters serve practically no purpose. I have a feeling the author did indeed have a higher purpose for this character, but because of time constraints and obvious clues that the author herself had no idea where she wanted the story to go, she stuck with what she gave us.

To its benefit, the interaction between them really keeps the story going. The art was typical Shoujo, but very clean for the most part. Alsh is probably my favorite character. The guy knows know bounds, and provides most of the comedic relief.

Click the image to open in full size.
Alsh being Alsh.

Like I've already stated, this manga is too short. I have a feeling that it could have turned to something great if only the author could have organized her thoughts better. If you have an hour to kill, go ahead and read this. I mean its not terrible, its just really short. Read it for the lulz if anything....

Art - (7/10) Plot - (5/10) Enjoyment - (6/10)


Note: I swear I've seen Alsh somewhere before.

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