Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Onani Master Kurosawa Review

Genre - Drama, Parody, Romance, School, Psychological, Seinen,

Length – 4 Volumes: 31 Chapters

Authors - Takuma Yokota (Art), Ise Katsura (Story)

Run - 2007 - 2008 (Probably)

Serialization - None (Really?)

I know what you must have been thinking as soon as you googled the name, trust me, I thought the same. Do not be fooled however. Get past the plot summary and you will be taken for a ride on one of the most original and engaging stories Japan has produced.

Note: No this is not a hentai, srsly...

Kakeru Kurosawa is a fapper (waits for oohs, ahhs, and ewwws) who enjoys fapping in the girl's restroom. Kurosawa can be described as a quiet and mischievous individual who likes to keep to himself. He doesn't like to attract attention nor is he the type to make friends. At first Kurosawa has no shame; he thoroughly enjoys doing what he does. Upon finishing his daily routine he leaves and encounters a girl approaching the restroom.

Click the image to open in full size.
This encounter sets the gears in motion.

This girl is Aya Kitahara. Like Kurosawa she is also quiet and likes to keep to herself. The difference here is she is a pushover. She is constantly getting bullied and does nothing to stop it at first. She is a actually a very dark and twisted individual who likes to blackmail to get what she wants. Nagaoka Keiji can be called Kurosawas friend, though at first Kurosawa detests him. Keiji is the opposite of Kurosawa. He is loud and loves to talk and befriend everyone he can. He is constantly trying to get Kurosawa to open up and be more social.

At first it seems like just a story about a guy with a perverted addiction, but it's much deeper than that. Think of Kurosawa as a perverted version of Light Yagami (Death Note Main Character). Like Light, Kurosawa shows the same level of arrogance and just so happens to have a superiority complex to boot

Click the image to open in full size.
Like a boss.

His attitude and emotions drive the story. Kurosawa's strategic ideas and the people around him affect him and vice-versa. Both fuel the fire if you will. It goes without saying this is a series for mature audiences. Aside from the fact that Kurosawa is a fapper, we are also shown real life occurrences and situations we can relate to. Betrayal, blackmail, deceit, lies, love, all of these things we encounter on everyday life is present in "Onani Master Kurosawa". This story shows us just what can happen when you get in over your head and the consequences of your actions, as well as realizing what you want in life. There is no obvious predictability, which makes this story so much more appealing. As I read through, I felt Kurosawa's anger when he was betrayed, I felt his hopelessness when he was shunned, and I felt his happiness when he finally fell in love. As the story progresses Kurosawa changes into a different person. He begins as an introverted kid who violates his female schoolmates in his thoughts with his fapping, yet in the end he he has undoubtedly grown and shown us that there is more to him. Kurosawa battled with self-realization, learns of consequences, finds the good in people, and comes to understand what he wants in life. Its a motivating story really.

In regards to the art, it's different. At first glance it looks like someone just trolled you, but no you're not being trolled, the whole thing looks like it's been sketched and colored in where it needs to. I was annoyed by this at first but as I kept reading I wouldn't have it any other way. The art does a great job of showing character's expressions, using many close ups and careful shading. Much of the emphasis is on the characters, so the backgrounds are usually simple or not there at all. Like I said, as I kept reading I wouldn't want the art any other way, it fits the story perfectly.

Another thing you will notice is the series parodies famously known series such as "Detective Conan" and "Code Geass".

Click the image to open in full size.
All hail Lel...wait what?

Do I have any complaints? The ending. I was expecting a bit more =/

Art - (9/10) Plot - (10/10) Enjoyment - (10/10)


Note#2: Kurosawa is godly

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