Saturday, November 29, 2014

Karin "Chibi Vampire" Manga Review

Karin is a story about a vampire who isn’t really your typical vampire. Instead of sucking blood, she injects blood. And if she can’t inject blood she splurts it all out. The reason for this is because she was born abnormal. She can walk in the day, and she gets along with humans. But there’s a new kid in town, his name is Usui Kenta. Obviously, they end up falling for each other. Its here that the story begins… 

I remember watching the anime. It was pretty awesome. I wanted more, but there was none. I heard the anime was an adaptation, so I wasted little time in looking for the manga. Going in, it was pretty similar. As I progressed it was obvious the anime deviated heavily from the original plot. The manga explains in detail why Karin has her problem, and takes the whole thing even further. I liked the anime ending, it was good. But the anime itself was filled with more fanservice than the manga. The anime constantly made sure the audience knew Karin had huge boobs, which she does but that’s not important. The manga focused more on the story and relationship between Karin, Usui, and her family. 

The ending left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, it was original in the sense that it took balls for the mangaka to do what he did. But on the other hand, it made me very sad. I don’t think her family should have done what they did, but oh well. At the end of the day it was a great manga. Even though it portrays itself as a romantic comedy, its pretty balanced out. There’s a little bit of everything, and all the characters are developed well. Actually, I take that back. My only complaint is that Usui stays pretty stagnant. His character doesn’t change much at all. 

In any case I highly recommend this manga, and its only 58 chapters so it shouldn’t take that long to finish.

Score - 8/10

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