Saturday, November 29, 2014

Karin "Chibi Vampire" Manga Review

Karin is a story about a vampire who isn’t really your typical vampire. Instead of sucking blood, she injects blood. And if she can’t inject blood she splurts it all out. The reason for this is because she was born abnormal. She can walk in the day, and she gets along with humans. But there’s a new kid in town, his name is Usui Kenta. Obviously, they end up falling for each other. Its here that the story begins… 

I remember watching the anime. It was pretty awesome. I wanted more, but there was none. I heard the anime was an adaptation, so I wasted little time in looking for the manga. Going in, it was pretty similar. As I progressed it was obvious the anime deviated heavily from the original plot. The manga explains in detail why Karin has her problem, and takes the whole thing even further. I liked the anime ending, it was good. But the anime itself was filled with more fanservice than the manga. The anime constantly made sure the audience knew Karin had huge boobs, which she does but that’s not important. The manga focused more on the story and relationship between Karin, Usui, and her family. 

The ending left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, it was original in the sense that it took balls for the mangaka to do what he did. But on the other hand, it made me very sad. I don’t think her family should have done what they did, but oh well. At the end of the day it was a great manga. Even though it portrays itself as a romantic comedy, its pretty balanced out. There’s a little bit of everything, and all the characters are developed well. Actually, I take that back. My only complaint is that Usui stays pretty stagnant. His character doesn’t change much at all. 

In any case I highly recommend this manga, and its only 58 chapters so it shouldn’t take that long to finish.

Score - 8/10

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mahou Sensei Negima! (Reading)

Being a big fan of the original anime and its pseudo sequel, I just had to get into the manga as I knew it continued the story. I waited till the manga ended, and then I waited some more because I already had so much manga stocked up. Then finally I decided it was time to read the damn thing lol.

So far I am in chapter 40, and so far I have been very happy with the fact the anime followed the manga to a certain extent. It was surprisingly faithful. However, I can see why fans of the manga were disappointed with the anime. I feel like they could have made Negima the anime a much longer series with all the manga material but oh well. So far I like the manga, only problem is it has around 300+ chapters, so this is gonna take a while (一。一;;)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Akumetsu (Short Review)


You know, there comes a time when you just have to sit down and realize what’s really going on in the world around. Poverty, corruption, high crime rates, rising cost of living, a shrinking middle class. Its all enough to make you depressed. In the world of Akumetsu, Japan is pretty much where the rest of the world is now. An enormous economic deficit, corruption left and right, a shrinking middle class, and a stagnant number of unemployed. Funny thing about Akumetsu is that it was released in the year 2003, many years prior to out current global economic s***hole. Akumetsudramus?

If you have seen/read Death Note, the premise is actually quite similar. Our main character, Shou, is bent on destroying the evil that plagues Japan. Get rid of the corrupt politicians = progress. What sets apart Akumetsu from Death Note is that our main character, Shou A.K.A. Akumetsu, gets away with everything he does. When I say everything, I mean everything. In Death Note, Light got away with things at first, but when his actions started to become suspicious, he wasn’t able to get away with everything like he wanted anymore. 

Now, many have claimed Akumetsu is a direct rip-off of Death Note. These people are imbeciles. Akumetsu came out before Death Note. If anything, Death Note copied Akumetsu. I mean for god’s sake, Shou’s best friend looks eerily similar to Light Yagami. They have the same facial expressions and everything. Imitation is the highest form of flattery as they say. 

In any case, this manga was one helluva ride. Its addicting, and everything about it screams awesomeness. I can safely say this is one of the best manga I have read ever.

Score - 10/10

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

AOA - Like A Cat MV

Black Firday 2014 Video Game Deals

Untitled-2.gif PS4 Consoles
PS4 + GTA V + The Last of Us Remastered (OR LittleBigPlanet 3 + Lego Batman 3) + $50 gift card $399.99 - Meijer

PS4 + GTA V + The Last of Us Remastered $399.99 - Best Buy, Dell, Target, Toys R Us, Walmart

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Xbox One + Assassin’s Creed Unity + Assassin’s Creed IV + $50 gift card $329.99 - Meijer, Target

Xbox One + Halo: The Master Chief Collection + $30 gift card $329 - Walmart

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Wii U 32GB Console Super Mario 3D World and NintendoLand Bundle + Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze + Super Smash Bros  $359.97 - Best Buy

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Nintendo 3DS XL Super Mario Bros. 2 Golden Edition Bundle $149.96 - Walmart

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SYWR members get $20 back in Points w/ Purchase of 3DS XL or 2DS & Any Featured 3DS Game - Kmart

Nintendo 2DS $99.99, 3DS $169.99 (with purchase of "featured game") - Sears

Nintendo 2DS + Yoshi New Island Game Download $99.99 - Target

Courtesy of Cheapassgamer 

That online Walmart PS4 offer is very tempting!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Zombie Loan

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A suitable adaptation?

Genre - Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Supernatural

Length – 11 Episodes

Run - Jul 4, 2007 to Sep 12, 2007

Animation Production – XEBEC, Square Enix, NAS

I own the first 5 volumes of the manga. Zombie Loan was a godsend when I began reading it, so naturally I was excited when I heard about the anime. Please note this anime should not be viewed by children as there is a lot of violence and profanity as well as some really messed up situations not suitable for young viewers.

The plot is rather original. Somewhere in a rundown neighborhood exists a "life insurance" agency if you will called "Z-Loan". If you die you can get a second shot at life. There, simple right? However, as the name suggests you become a zombie and have to pay back your loan. This is where I introduce the male leads. The always short tempered "Akatsuki Chika" alongside the incredibly indifferent "Tachibana Shito" serve as agents for Z-Loan. Both are zombies on a loan who have to hunt down illegal zombies (people who came back to life by shady methods) in order to pay back their debt and remain alive. As I stated, Chika is short tempered. He gets annoyed easily and gets along horribly with Shito. Despite that flaw, Chika has a genuine care for those he defeats and often performs their memorial with great sympathy. Think of Chika as the comedy relief in the anime. His behavior will give you a nice number of laughs.

Click the image to open in full size.

Shito is the opposite of Chika. Shito is often cold and indifferent. There are times when he seems approachable and friendly though. Watching him and Chika duke it out is gonna produce a lot of laughs. That's basically the only time you see his humorous side, and when he acts sarcastic. Shito has a dark and painful past, so in time you will understand why he behaves the way he does. Finishing of the trio, I present "Kita Michiru". Also known as "Chiru Chiru" and "Gopher", Michiru is a valuable asset to the agency. Possessing "Shinigami eyes" and later on becoming a zombie herself, she is incredibly clumsy and somewhat of a wimp. Michiru hates her power, it is for this reason she wears glasses. If someone has a dark ring around their neck, it is a sign that person will soon die. That is the basics of her power. She gets along well with Chika and Shito, but because of her wimpy nature, she gets manipulated by them easily. After becoming a zombie herself, she has no choice but to use her power more often so that she along with the others can pay back their loan.

Zombie Loan shines because of its characters and its plot, that's it. The art is nothing to be impressed about. There is a nice use of color, but it really felt as though the animators were just lazy. Most of the time when there was a fight sequence it felt like I was watching "Pokemon". Just a bunch of flashing backgrounds making it seem as though the characters actually moved. About 50% of the anime consisted of this, so it's somewhat tolerable. I very much liked the atmosphere the anime produced, it kept true to the manga, so that's a plus. Now thinking back on the soundtrack, I can't say there was anything memorable about it. Once again I felt as though the staff was just being lazy and picked out some rock songs to emphasize the dark theme Zombie Loan produces.
The ED was pretty decent though, I liked it.

Though I think this anime could have been brought up better, I feel it kept true to the manga. Don't think that because this a dark and violent anime that it's only composed of that. It is also composed of a nice blend of comedy and drama. Aside from the main characters own hardships, you learn about some of the secondary characters past as well. You learn to identify with each character and understand them. Characters like Koyomi, Yuuta, Yuuri, and Momoka all keep true to the manga, in the sense that they are just freaking hilarious.

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Koyomi's dark side "Yomi" in action.

As of today the tv series remains incomplete, producing two OVA's to continue the eleven episode televised series and another OVA or two (who knows when that will come out). "Whoa! Look at the time man! My cookies are about to be done, rating plox?"

Art - (7/10) Sound - (7/10) Plot - (8/10) Enjoyment - (8/10)


Note: Chibi Shinigami is just adorable :3

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Xam'd: Lost Memories

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Love prevails all or so they say...

Genre - Action, Sci-Fi, Military, Romance

Length – 26 Episodes

Run - Jul 15, 2008 to Feb 4, 2009

Animation Production – Bones, Aniplex, Sentai FilmworksL

I went into this anime with the assumption it would be "epic". Why? This series has received mostly good reviews so why wouldn't I? However, I must admit, I was a tad disappointed, but regardless this is a really good anime. If you watched "Eureka Seven" your gonna be telling yourself the exact same thing I did...

The basics of the show is quite simple. Sentan island is a small and peaceful place near the north and southern continent. Both the north and south continents are at war. As such, Sentan island is usually caught in the middle of the conflict. A religious group is spreading "Hiruko seeds" (through terrorist-like explosions), which take ordinary humans and turn them into "Xam’d". Throughout the show there is heavy focus on the Xam’d and their purpose in a ritual that occurs once every thousand years. The series begins with Akiyuki Takahara running for school. Akiyuki is pretty much the type of character you figure out immediately. He can be best described as a hard headed person, somewhat of a clown, but caring of those close to him. As you may have guessed he is one of the main characters along with Haru Nishimura. Haru is the love interest between Akiyuki and their mutual friend Furuichi Teraoka. Haru is a kind and outspoken person who often sees past Furuichi's feelings of her because of her love for Akiyuki. Furuichi is Akiyuki and Haru's best friend. He loves Haru and starts to see Akiyuki as a nuisance. After Akiyuki gets caught in a car bomb that destroys the their school and gets his power, Haru and Furuichi join the army in order to protect their island. Akiyuki is rescued by Nakiami after the explosion. Nakiami is a girl from a mysterious village who now resides in a delivery service air ship. Nakiami is very knowledgeable in the mysteries of the "Hiruko seeds". Since Akiyuki now has one after the accident, she takes him in to join the air ship and begins teaching him about his power and the reasons behind the spreading of the seeds by white haired children around the world. Events start to unfold that will change the world forever...

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Training in the skies.

This anime has amazing artwork. It's probably the best artwork I've seen in an anime series longer than 4 episodes (please not I said anime series, not movie). It never get's choppy, and only occasionally interrupts the texture in the art style. I felt like I was watching a movie at times. The art style is also very good and highlights the settings well. The settings are very exotic ranging from dreary smoke covered mountains to secluded tropical islands and the art style really brings each of the settings to life and distinguishes from each other very well. The color is handled very well to give each setting visited its own unique look and feel. The character designs on the other hand are unremarkable Akiyuki and Haru in particular feel generic in their design along with everyone else. The soundtrack was great. It was mostly composed on classical pieces that sometimes fit the situations perfectly, while others it just made it dull and didn't stimulate much excitement in heart pumping scenes. The OP & ED didn't stand out much either.

Xam'd: Lost Memories is perfectly blended. Hate, love, resentment, discrimination, every emotion a human can conjure up will be put to the test. Character development is great, everyone has their time to shine. From Akiyuki and Haru's love for each other that spans distances and time, to the lost and found love of Ryuzo and Fusa (Akiyuki’s parents). Every character’s relationship to primary and secondary partners is explored and given time to blossom and grow and in some cases die. Basic human emotions drive the characters, you can easily identify.

Click the image to open in full size.
Reunited at last...

As I say that I realize this series has its flaws. There is little time wasted on explanation or flashback, we’re just dropped right in to the center of a world war and expected to keep up. The most notable is the change of pace around the middle of the series. It's like everyone at the studio went "Oh noz! We gotta end this soon! How are we going to do this man!?" Hence we have plot holes, poorly drawn out exposition, sub plots that never get proper attention, and characters that can often become inconsistent.

In essence, this anime is amazing. If you can get around the flaws, you will be taken for a ride by this gorgeous piece of animation. "OMG dude wtf! I have a life! Hurry!"

Art - (10/10) Sound - (8/10) Plot - (9/10) Enjoyment - (9/10)


Note: There will be some serious "wtf" moments.

Monday, November 3, 2014

True Tears

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Does True Tears actually provoke "true tears"?

Genre - Drama, Romance, School

Length – 13 Episodes

Run - Jan 4, 2008 to Mar 29, 2008

Animation Production – Bandai Visual, Lantis, P.A. Works

Whenever I heard the name "True Tears" right next to it I would always see "This series made me cry so much". I'm a manly man but I don't mind a good cry now and then, so I went and jumped into the world of True Tears with high expectations. Unfortunately, there were little to no tears shed from my eyes, but this series is definitely a good source of drama...

You are brought into what seems a normal setting. A young boy with a passion for art and writing named Shinichiro Nakagami is shown day dreaming romantic thoughts while drawing in his room. The inspiration for his art comes from his feeling towards Hiromi Yuasa. Hiromi is the principal love interest. Both Hiromi and Shinichiro love each other in secret. Since they both live in the same house that complicates matters even more.

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Encounter in the hallway.

Hiromi is a reserved girl who keeps to herself and avoids attention at home, the main reason being the death of her father some years back, and the cold indifference she receives from Shinichiro's mother. Though the official description does not mention True Tears having harem, it does. Shinichiro isn’t your typical brash yakuza type, nor is he the wimpy, loser type; he can be kind of dull at times though. He does however try to avoid romantic contact with women at first, even though he has three after his tail (the bastard). The second girl in the harem is Noe Isurugi. Noe is an oddball with a love for chickens (yes....chickens). She doesn't fit in your typical extremely polite, angsty, moe, or tsundere archetypes, which gives sort of a mature, novel feeling to the show. Noe is just weird, simple as that. She also provides some nice moments of pure lulz so watch out for that. The last girl in the harem is Aiko "Ai-chan" Andou. Aiko is an old friend of Shinichiro who happens to be dating his best friend Miyokichi Nobuse. At first glance both Aiko and Nobuse seem to be meant for each other. Both are kind of ditzy and sometimes short tampered and equally love to give Shinichiro a hard time. The thing is Aiko has romantic feelings for Shinichiro. When Nobuse finds out, he begins a game of denial that adds more drama to this series...

The world of True tears is one filled with angst. Just about every character has their share of pain and secrets they want hidden. From old to young, every one of the main characters is connected to a certain level. Decisions are based on the relationships each person has with one another and tensions builds up. The series itself is drama based. It feels like each of the main characters hide a huge secret waiting to be exposed. The secrets themselves are the source for most of the drama.

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Hiromi revealing a devastating secret.

There is some comedy here and there nothing crazy though. The people who produce the lulz are usually Noe, Nobuse, and Ai. I remember laughing at some of the conversations these characters had, they are full of pure lulz. Along with comedy we have some romance. The romance itself isn't heavy or lovey dovey. You certainly feel the romantic emotions when they are presented, but at times I felt like it was unnecessary. For me it is the tension that really grabs you. Certain situations provoke the oddest reactions in you. The relationship portrayed between Hiromi and Shinichiro's mother is rather disturbing at times. No doubt you will be asking and telling yourself a million things when you see them interact. Another example is the relationship between Noe and her brother Jun. All I will say is expect a sister complex thrown at you as soon as you see Jun interact with Noe, then again its rather obvious at first glance.

Moving onto the animation, True Tears is on top of its game. Normally in anime with less than 24 episodes the animation starts to lag after the first half of the show, this is not the case here. The animation is consistent. Beautiful backgrounds along with beautifully drawn characters give this series another stamp of approval. At times I felt like I was a watching a movie or an OVA simply because the art is that good. The fluidity of the character movements, the detailed shadows on the face of the characters as they speak, the camera angles used to illustrate certain key aspects such as the 3D walking scene; everything adds up little by little and before you know it you will find yourself having a hard time reverting back to watching lower quality anime. The soundtrack was great. The OP & ED are both personal favorites of mine.

For each setting there was a great piece of musical score ready to go along. Mood is important for this anime, and the music creates the best dramatic and romantic moods I have felt in a while.

"So far you have been praising this series. It can't be perfect?" You sir/madam are correct. True Tears has its share problems. Some of the conversations, thoughts, and feelings, though dramatic, seem unrealistic. I find it hard to believe some of the things I read can ever be applied to real life in any form for a show like True Tears which has a setting that is supposed to be very realistic. Concepts such as someone’s "true tears" or "choosing to fly or not" just seem a bit overly symbolic and unnecessary. Also, you would expect a series named "True Tears" would make you cry or something of the sort, but I felt no such emotion. The most I felt were some moments of welling up. The ending of the series also left some loose ends...

If you can get past the negative, you will be taken for a very dramatic ride. "Okay guy you rambled on long enough! Someone get me my gun, nao!"

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Saturday, November 1, 2014


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Harem at its best?

Genre - Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, School, Harem

Length – 24 Episodes

Run - Jul 8, 2005 to Jan 6, 2006

Animation Production – FUNimation EntertainmentL, Lantis, asread

"Fanservice". This is the first thought crossing your mind right? This anime is largely built around just that; well at least in its first half. According to the official description this show has every genre in it except "Slice of life" and "Horror" (though there is a little bit of that in its final episodes). I'll leave my negative and positive comments of the series as a whole until the end.

Let's begin with the back-story. Gods and Demons have made their presence known to humans. The door to each world is open. Many Gods and Demons migrated to the human world. In essence, expect to see people with pointy ears walking down the street and in the classrooms of the school the characters attend. Simple enough right? However, in the first episode of the Anime you are presented with two very peculiar characters that shape the first half of the series, but I will get to them in a little bit.

Rin Tsuchimi is the male protagonist, and also the guy in the middle of the harem. He lost his parents in a car accident and moved in to Kaede's house. Nothing real special about Rin, he is exactly what you would expect from the male lead in a harem Anime; spoiled, pampered, and lazy. To his benefit he does show a courageous side at times and is later revealed to be a very kind person during a flashback. Kaede Fuyou is Rin's childhood friend who grew up with him in the same house after her mother and Rin's parents died in a car accident. "Certain events" led to Kaede completely changing her attitude and began taking care of Rin as form of gratitude. Be wary as she does a momentary 360 degree change in behavior later on in the series. Going back to those peculiar characters I mentioned earlier, they are the daughters of both the king of gods and the king of the devils. Nerine "Lycoris" and Lisianthus "Sia, Kikyou". Both met Rin in the past and fell have been in love with him ever since. They both become Rin's neighbors and start attending Rin's school. To top it all off, both the king of gods and the king demons tell Rin he has to marry either Nerine or Sia. Nerine is probably the most talented person in "Shuffle!". Aside from being kind, she is also a great singer and controls her magic well. She is the least outgoing of the group however. Sia is the complete opposite. She is not afraid of expressing herself and does the best she can to impress Rin and others. Both characters have dark secrets later to be revealed. The final character I am going to talk about is Asa "A-Chan" Shigure seeing how she slowly becomes a very important character. Easily the most energetic character and an excellent cook, she is a close friend of Rin. Asa always greets Rin with a slap on the back and makes it her daily goal to tease him past his limit. Like the previous female characters mentioned, she has her share of secrets.

"Shuffle!" as a whole is well thought of but poorly managed. Some episodes make you feel as though they have been misplaced, think of "The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya". As I stated earlier, the first half of the series is basically just fanservice with a little bit of real plot and drama here and there. Everything after that would be considered to be the "real" story. The way the main character's dark and sad pasts was developed was well thought of seeing how I certainly was not expecting some of the revelations made. The unfortunate part was they all arrived too late and left you wanting more. The romantic aspect of the show is somewhat endearing. The art is okay at best and the soundtrack is better than I thought it would be. Despite its flaws I enjoyed the show. I had my fair share of laughs and liked the "groupies" each female lead has. The use of magic wasn't used extravagantly like other series which is good. This makes the viewer more focused on the story. "So get on with it man what are you going to rate this series?"

Art - (8/10) Sound - (6/10) Plot - (7/10) Enjoyment - (9/10)


Note: Expect your emotions to be all over the place.